Using Suspense for Data Fetching Today with SWR
In previous articles we built a Pokedex project using SWR and then we added it pagination with the same library. Today we will learn how we can use Suspense to handle the loading states while we fetch the data, and without using the experimental version of React.js.
Running Demo
This is the final project running in CodeSandbox
<iframe src="" style="width:100%;height:500px;border:0;border-radius:4px;overflow:hidden;" title="Using Suspense for Data Fetching Today with SWR" allow="geolocation; microphone; camera; midi; vr; accelerometer; gyroscope; payment; ambient-light-sensor; encrypted-media; usb" sandbox="allow-modals allow-forms allow-popups allow-scripts allow-same-origin"
Check if we are running Server-Side
Suspense doesn't work yet for Server-Side Rendering, since we are using Next.js we will need to detect if we are running Client-Side or Server-side to avoid rendering our component.
const isServer = typeof window === "undefined";
With that tiny line, we could detect if we are running Server-Side.
Creating the Fallback Using
Now we need to create a fallback UI for our components while they are being suspended, we could also use those fallbacks when rendering server-side.
export function Fallback({ children }) { return <div className="-mx-2 flex flex-wrap">{children}</div>; }
This will be our fallback for the list of Pokémon, children
will be the content.
function GrayBar() { return <div className="w-3/5 h-5 bg-gray-300" />; } export function Fallback() { return ( <div className="my-5 p-2 w-1/3"> <article className="shadow p-5 relative"> <h2 className="font-bold text-xl capitalize"> <GrayBar /> </h2> <div className="absolute top-0 right-0 select-none"> <div style={{ width: "96px", height: "96px" }} className="bg-gray-300" /> </div> <ul> <li> <strong>Weight</strong>: <GrayBar /> </li> <li> <strong>Height</strong>: <GrayBar /> </li> </ul> <br /> <h3 className="font-bold text-lg">Stats</h3> <ul className="flex justify-start items-baseline flex-wrap"> <li className="w-3/6"> <strong className="capitalize">speed</strong> <GrayBar /> </li> <li className="w-3/6"> <strong className="capitalize">special-defense</strong> <GrayBar /> </li> <li className="w-3/6"> <strong className="capitalize">special-attack</strong> <GrayBar /> </li> <li className="w-3/6"> <strong className="capitalize">defense</strong> <GrayBar /> </li> <li className="w-3/6"> <strong className="capitalize">attack</strong> <GrayBar /> </li> <li className="w-3/6"> <strong className="capitalize">hp</strong> <GrayBar /> </li> </ul> </article> </div> ); }
And this one will be our fallback UI for each Pokémon individually, we will put those components inside the same file of each UI they are mocking to keep them together.
Rendering the Fallback Server-Side
Let's use what we did above to render the fallback UI Server-Side.
import React from "react"; import Head from "next/head"; import PokemonList, { Fallback as PokemonListFallback, } from "../components/pokemon-list"; import { Fallback as PokemonShortFallback } from "../components/pokemon-short"; const isServer = typeof window === "undefined"; function HomePage() { return ( <> <Head> <link href="^1.0/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> </Head> <section className="container mx-auto"> {!isServer ? ( <PokemonList /> ) : ( <PokemonListFallback> {Array.from({ length: 9 }, (_, index) => ( <PokemonShortFallback key={index} /> ))} </PokemonListFallback> )} </section> </> ); } export default HomePage;
As you could see we moved the content of the list with their logic to another file and we import it here. We also only render PokemonList
if we are not running Server-Side and in the fallback, we render nine mocked Pokémon cards.
Adding Suspense
Now it's time to use Suspense, we need to first wrap PokemonList
in React.Suspense
import React from "react"; import Head from "next/head"; import PokemonList, { Fallback as PokemonListFallback, } from "../components/pokemon-list"; import { Fallback as PokemonShortFallback } from "../components/pokemon-short"; const isServer = typeof window === "undefined"; const fallback = ( <PokemonListFallback> {Array.from({ length: 9 }, (_, index) => ( <PokemonShortFallback key={index} /> ))} </PokemonListFallback> ); function HomePage() { return ( <> <Head> <link href="^1.0/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> </Head> <section className="container mx-auto"> {!isServer ? ( <React.Suspense fallback={fallback}> <PokemonList /> </React.Suspense> ) : ( fallback )} </section> </> ); } export default HomePage;
To re-use the element we move the fallback outside our HomePage and use it in both the React.Suspense
and when rendering Server-Side.
To make SWR uses Suspense we need to pass { suspense: true }
after the fetcher
import React from "react"; import useSWR, { useSWRPages } from "swr"; import fetcher from "../lib/fetcher"; import PokemonShort from "../components/pokemon-short"; import useOnScreen from "../hooks/use-on-screen"; function PokemonList() { const { pages, isLoadingMore, isReachingEnd, loadMore } = useSWRPages( "pokemon-list", ({ offset, withSWR }) => { const url = offset || ""; const { data } = withSWR(useSWR(url, fetcher, { suspense: true })); if (!data) return null; const { results } = data; return => ( <PokemonShort key={} name={} /> )); }, (SWR) =>, [] ); const [infiniteScrollEnabled, setInfiniteScrollEnabled] = React.useState( false ); const $loadMoreButton = React.useRef(null); const infiniteScrollCount = React.useRef(0); const isOnScreen = useOnScreen($loadMoreButton, "200px"); React.useEffect(() => { if (!infiniteScrollEnabled || !isOnScreen) return; loadMore(); const count = infiniteScrollCount.current; if (count + 1 === 3) { setInfiniteScrollEnabled(false); infiniteScrollCount.current = 0; } else { infiniteScrollCount.current = count + 1; } }, [infiniteScrollEnabled, isOnScreen]); return ( <> <div className="-mx-2 flex flex-wrap">{pages}</div> <div className="mx-auto mt-10 mb-20 w-1/3"> {!isReachingEnd && ( <button ref={$loadMoreButton} className="bg-red-600 border-solid border-2 hover:bg-white border-red-600 text-white hover:text-red-600 font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded-full w-full" disabled={isLoadingMore} onClick={() => { loadMore(); setInfiniteScrollEnabled(true); }} > Load More Pokémon </button> )} </div> </> ); } export function Fallback({ children }) { return <div className="-mx-2 flex flex-wrap">{children}</div>; } export default PokemonList;
With that, if we reload the page we will see the fallback UI and then when SWR finishes the fetch of the data it will show them all the Pokémon at the same time.
With this, we made our application uses Suspense for the loading state of the data fetching, a single line of configuration in useSWR
and that's all we need.
The only downside here is that every time we fetch a new page we will see the Fallback UI for a few seconds.